
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Wife Life

Well, I'm back...and this time I'm a married woman. 

We finally tied the knot. After 6 really long years, Ben & I finally said "we will." (Cause that's how the Methodist's do it... not "I do" but "I will.") There are a million cheesy cliche' lines I could use to sum up our wedding day- but to be completely honest. It was the most glorious day of my life. Everything just felt good and blessed and protected..... Oh, and Ben was a STUD.
Sheesh. I married a model. Okay, I'm moving on.

Anyway we went on a wonderful honeymoon to the Bahamas and had the time of our lives. Lots of food, napping, snorkeling, swimming, eating, some drinking, shopping, and sooo much laughing. It was perfect.

Then we came home...which was so neat. To get our pups, drive to OUR house and walk in the door to our new home. This is something Ben and I have waited on for a really long it was a huge deal.

Fast forward to now, we have been married one month and one day. So far it has been the most beautiful, wonderful, difficult, challenging and rewarding thing I've ever done. But even in the hard parts- I've loved it. There is just something so rich about this experience. I'm thankful, thankful, thankful for a husband who is hard working, kind, thoughtful, respectful and so many more things.

Here's some of the interesting and weird marriage moments just for fun:
1. living with a boy is so weird.... I mean it's fun and cool...but it's still weird.
2. cause boys do weird stuff-- that only boys would think isn't weird. Like Ben doesn't ever, EVER, push in his dresser drawers--so they clothesline me almost every single morning when I get out of bed.
3.learning to like similar foods. Ben & i eat TOTALLY different...I'm a fruit, veggies, meat, potatoes kinda girl and ben is a... well, a meat kinda guy. So we're working on getting him to that whole eating green stuff thing.
4. being a married college student.... well, no one can prepare you for that. Transitioning from an overly-involved, active, on campus junior to a married, commuting senior... it's just strange. I came back and NO one knows me. Everyone just stares at me funny when they find out I'm married or they just boo me....yeah, that was awkward.
5. Commuting everywhere. I love our house and I actually really love Hamilton. It's sweet and cozy... but I mean unless I want gas or a subway sandwich that I can't afford b/c I'm a newlywed..then I'm out of luck. 
6. MONEY. yuckkkkkk. I hate finances. Maybe, I'm not supposed to say that or feel that way, but seriously money just isn't fun... unless you have like Taylor Swift money.
7. Ben is hilarious. Seriously, I always knew he was a funny guy...but being married to him and living with him everyday... I get to laugh all the time and I'm really really thankful for that.
8. Truth: We are obsessed with the Big Bang Theory. Wow, it's fantastic. So hilarious.... those are good times together.
9. We are such busy bodys... I thought marriage would make us both slow down but somehow it just made us double busy. So, that's kind of exhausting. I'm ready for the "settle down" part of marriage.

Anyway, I could ramble on even more than I already did but I'll stop. I know it was long but I wanted my first post on my new blog to be honest and accurate of our new lives.

So here is to the new adventures we will share! 
Happy Reading, folks! 

1 comment:

  1. Just remember, "I will" is proactive and never ending in so many ways. It is the way to enter the marriage covenant with a life time commitment that goes forward.
