
Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Waitress Life

I recently picked up a second job at a local  restaurant in town. I've never been a waitress, but I wanted to earn some extra money. I'm about 2 months in and this has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. I feel compelled to share my stories and newfound truths with you all. So, here is to hoping that your eyes might be opened as mine were. Disclaimer: This blog is not to complain about my job or to sound whiny, so don't confuse my tone here please. I really enjoy my job- but I think there are some giant misconceptions about the service industry therefore I give you: What lies behind your server.

1.) The service industry is hard work.
I'm talking running, sweating, hurried, anxious, intense, work. For some reason people tend to look down on this work and have come up with the conclusion that it's an easy job. If that's what you're thinking... you'd be wrong. The hours are tough. You have to be strong. You have to be willing to get dirty. And I mean like disgusting dirty. I leave my shifts drained; physically, mentally and emotionally. 

2.) The "Customer Service Face"
This one is tricky, so listen closely. When you are eating out next time, just remember that your server has had an entire shift of people to serve. So they have already had bad attitudes, rude voices and unkind words. Part of this industry is learning to put on a brave face. One of the most humbling aspects of the job, is to be yelled at, rudely spoken to, or embarrassed by a customer and just have to take it as "part of the job." Now, don't get me wrong folks, I am a fan of the "customer is always right" motto. And it's something I promote as a customer and a waitress. But there is a line. The servers are there to serve you, to wait on you, to get your food and drinks and every other little thing you need, and to create a pleasant dining experience for you. But we are not there as your punching bags. So the "Hey, You...where's my coke?" or the endless complaints about food that has nothing wrong with it is not only unnecessary but frankly it's just not our job. Listen closely to this last part... Your server still deserves respect. 

3.) And on that note it's helpful to remember, your server is still human. 
I work with some of the best waitresses I've ever seen. They have killer memories, excellent people skills, insane time management and just flat out hustle to earn money. But this doesn't change the fact that are people. These are young women who are students, wives, mothers, with lives outside of being a waitress every night. They come to work with their own sets of struggles and valleys. They are working every night to feed their child, to pay for their car, to buy school books, or to get their rent in each month. These are people with stories and emotions and thoughts- and those are not eliminated as soon as they cross into the kitchen. So customers, learn to be understanding. Learn to forgive. Because we are humans...just like you.. we will make mistakes. We may forget you wanted lemon or to bring your crackers before the meal. It won't end the world. Just give us a friendly reminder. We'll get it,  I promise. 

4.) The Tipping
Come all knew it was coming. Haha. A lot of people don't seem to know that servers in all food industries do not get paid regular minimum wage. We all get paid $2.13 an hour. Everywhere in America. So every time you have had a waiter or waitress serve your meal, they get 2.13 before tax is taken out, for every hour you sit at their table. This is why tips are so, so important to us. I am not sitting here asking anyone to leave $20 tips every time they eat out- but please be mindful next time you are eating out that a hearty tip goes a long way with your server. And that not leaving a tip at your table is truly disrespectful and honestly just a slap in your servers face. Please just remember that the hard work they are putting in deserves something. And essentially all of their customers are responsible for each servers salary.

Last, I'd like to end on some thing we LOVE for our patrons to do.
1.) Love having regulars. Never hesitate to come into your favorite place to eat...there's no such thing as eating their too much. I love knowing some of our customers, enjoying their company, and counting on their kindness to come in that night. So keep on comin' folks!

2.) Please feel free to call me by name. Never hesitate to call your server by name if they tell you their name. Again, makes us feel a little more human than "hey you."

3.) Talk to us throughout your meal if you would like to. Even when I'm busy I never mind having a nice chat with my customers. It's totally okay to ask me questions about me, my life, my t-shirt, why I work there, my future. I could tell you story after story of customers who have asked me about my t-shirt that grew into a conversation about my college, my future plans, my husband, my family connections. I love creating bonds like that with our patrons. It just makes everyone's experience that much more authentic in my opinion.

Well I hope you all enjoyed a little dive into the life of a waitress and perhaps in the future we will all see our servers a bit differently. 

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